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You've made it to VisualCrochet.com and it's time to find the project you want to work on or simply take your first step towards learning to crochet.
Use the navigation to the right or the search box up top to find the various crochet videos we've collected and posted. We pride ourselves on having selected the very best crochet videos the web has to offer for any given piece. If you have an item you'd like us to cover please don't hesitate to contact us.
Welcome to Visual Crochet Dot Com!
You've landed at the web's premiere site for crochet instructional videos! Our goal is to provide our users with the very best in web published crochet videos. We've found that it's easier to complete a project when you can watch a pro complete it along side you. We're also an excellent resource for anyone who can't read patterns or needs the extra advice only a good coach in a well produced video can provide.
We know it can sometimes be frustrating combing through lots of videos on the same topic or for the same item. Some people talk too fast or move too fast without exlpaining what they're doing. Others have odd angles on the camera where you can't see their hands well. Sometimes the video maker assumes you know certain steps that you're not familiar with and you get left behind.
We've done that leg work for you. We've combed the internet and sat through countless hours of videos to try and present only the very best instructional crochet projects that anyone can follow along with. We hope you find this to be the case as well and you can use these videos to quickly start your projects feeling confident none of the them will leave you with unanswered questions or stuck in the middle of your creation. Thanks for stopping by!
Use the navigation on the right or the search bar above to get started!